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SEO Company – Erie, PA

Our SEO Company Caters to Businesses in Erie, PA

SEO Company Erie, PA

When searching for an SEO company for your Erie business, consider expanding your search beyond local companies. The company’s quality and reputation are more important than its location, as most communication will happen via phone and email.

With 19 years of experience, Web Merchants Direct assists businesses by creating new websites and improving existing ones to enhance their Google visibility.

Our SEO company provides services beyond just Google ranking improvements:

  • Modernizing your website or creating a new one
  • Writing and publishing engaging blog articles
  • Keeping all plug-ins up-to-date
  • Securing and backing up your website
  • Gaining more positive customer ratings and reviews
  • Tracking phone calls and form submissions to ensure success

We are an American-based SEO company with a trustworthy and highly skilled team located throughout the United States. We’d love to connect with you to discuss your website goals and the positive impact of increased traffic on your business.

Local SEO Services – More Visibility in Local Search Results

Local SEO Services Erie, PA

Our SEO experts recently assisted a new hair salon in growing from zero to over 5,000 organic visitors per month within 8 months by adding about 100 CityRank pages. Previously spending nearly $1,000 per month on pay-per-click ads, the client now enjoys over $4,000 in monthly value from organic traffic, a long-lasting impact created by our SEO efforts.

We achieved this by incorporating our CityRank pages into their existing website. CityRank Pages, our local SEO service, ensure that businesses in Erie benefit from visibility in nearby search results, whether you travel to them or they come to you.

Some people wrongly assume that listing cities on a website will suffice for Google recognition, but this isn’t effective. Local SEO services involve unique, valuable content to demonstrate authority in “Your Service” in “Erie.” This is our expertise.

Our local SEO services offer everything you need:

  • Establishing a suitable radius for your business
  • Developing unique, service-specific content
  • Posting on HTML or CMS websites
  • Monitoring success with data-driven methods
  • Charging a straightforward, one-time fee for all services

If you want your Erie business to be seen in nearby cities, our local SEO services can help. There’s no cost to schedule a phone call with our team to explore how this could work for your business and what the investment involves. Schedule a call today, and you won’t regret it.

Why Choose Us as Your SEO Expert in Erie?

SEO Expert Erie, PA

A simple Google search provides countless business options, but finding an American-based company with nearly two decades of experience and positive reviews is challenging. Web Merchants Direct fits this description.

We recognize the current economic climate, so we offer affordable and flexible services to fit your budget. We value long-term relationships over quick profits.

Get in touch today, and an SEO expert will contact you to explain how we can benefit your Erie business through:

  • OnSite & Local SEO Services – Increase your Google visibility in Erie
  • WordPress Website Design, Management, & Maintenance
  • Reputation Management – Gain more 5-star reviews
  • Writing and publishing consistent blog content on your site

After our call, you’ll know how we can help and the clear investment required. Sadly, many people spend hundreds or thousands on their ‘SEO Plan’ without knowing what they’re getting. That’s not us – we offer transparent pricing and deliver results.

We won’t promise you the top spot on Google for a few bucks. Anyone who does is just after your money and likely won’t be around in six months for refunds.

Don’t wait any longer. Schedule a 15-minute call with an honest SEO expert today, and you’ll see results in 30-60 days that will make you wish you’d found us sooner. We look forward to talking with you. Please check our reviews before calling.